Home > Artworks > Dioni H. Peña De León

Photo of Dioni H. Peña De León Dominican Republic
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Dioni H. Pena De Leon

Born in La Vega, Dominican Republic, Graduates of the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes. Obtuvo he Primer dibujo del Antiguo Prix II Painting Prize and the Natural. Conducts studies of graphic arts and advertising and Tourning Point Administration, also a specialization in Administration and Supervision in the printing industry, as well as anatomical studies it Institute of Anatomy,...

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See everything we offer you!
29.92 x 39.76 in
50.00 x 70.87 in
44.88 x 59.84 in
39.37 x 50.00 in
39.76 x 50.00 in
44.88 x 44.88 in
29.92 x 24.80 in
35.04 x 44.88 in

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Photo of Dioni H. Peña De León Dominican Republic

Dioni H. Pena De Leon

Born in La Vega, Dominican Republic, Graduates of the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes. Obtuvo he Primer dibujo del Antiguo Prix II Painting Prize and the Natural. Conducts studies of graphic arts and advertising and Tourning Point Administration, also a specialization in Administration and Supervision in the printing industry, as well as anatomical studies it Institute of Anatomy, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, UASD. Member of the Colegio Dominicano de Visual Artists (CODAP). Currently he is design coordinator of the Direction National Elections, Junta Central Electoral.

Su primer individual performs the Gallery of Art Nouveau. He has participated in them Biennial Nacionales XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX, wherein Museum of Modern Art, as well as Contests the E. Jimena Leo XIII, XIV and XV, and the marginal Biennial I, II, III and IV of Santo Domingo. Also in the group exhibitions: Artist por la Paz, Casa de Teatro, Santo Domingo; Young Artist, Palace Consistorial, Bani, First Festival of Visual Arts, Museum of Modern Art, Santo Domingo, en el Colegio Dominicano collective of Artists ( CODAPAR) collectively therein Hotel Hispaniola collective of Artists in INFOTEP, collective of Artists him Museum de las Casa Real.

He distinguished poetry book "Never Jama" of the poet Antonio del Orbe, unrelenting by Don Damian Barcelo, Palma de Mallorca and epilogue by Leon David, also the illustrations of them Poemario Riding my Shadow, Accecit 2001, Epilogue of Dawn and My Grand Total poet Ramon Garcia.


He vibrant use of colors and offers them a certain symbolism, provokes a certain sensual evocation. The metaphor of human su Deven is evident in the works of Leon penalty. The notion of thinking, feeling and with his own existence is lived through sus figures, strokes and sustainable. We offer a Propuesta of hope and with the way it plasmarlas lienzo Tien both Nuestro and universal. Sara Hermann

The work of penalty Leo reveals he bueno dibujo y su trace sobresale for quality. The su personal trait he adds area and inform them of the ability to express with Libertad "anatomy" of sus figures. Ignacio Nova

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